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One or Two Words About: David Rapoport:

David Rapoport is an artist of multiple genres. He has amassed a large body of creative work, which consists of: photography, digital art, painting, mixed media, video, music, and other. Since 1978, he seeks to understand the concepts of visual information as the essence of things. He moves past what is known, and people's expectations of what art should be.

David's interest is what the art is, and every person who sees it, has his or her own experience with it. He recognizes that art has many dimensions: aesthetics, subject, construction, materials, and something of a spiritual nature. His viewers have their own response to what he is presenting. The work is beyond identity. Perhaps, it is linked to consciousness.

He communicates in a multi-dimensional presentation. His photos evoke an emotion, of some captured desires. David's digital work, is something unreal, presented as something real: It is like some fantasy: seen as reality. David's music is mostly sounds, created by instruments, voice, and other. It is inspired by meditation. Creativity is natural, and implemented in ways, that are not what people expect from this medium, or any medium.

He does not try to please anyone. He just creates the work, essentially to please himself. If people like it, great. If not, ok. He does not seek to make any statement, or to give specific meaning to his work. It is what it is. He does not seek recognition: he involves himself in creative self-fulfillment.

David's art practice is an exploration of his inner self, through connecting to some kind of divine nature. His work is about seeing, and going deep. He wishes to go beyond, and he lets his artwork reflect that.



My Art:

People have a tremendous opportunity. They can have good health, wealth, and happiness. They can be non-conflicting. I will explore the possibility of this. I believe that this is possible. This is my goal in art.

My work is what it is. It may have an effect on people, each one, differently. It is beyond what you are supposed to see. There is not need to have a specific perception for a certain medium or genre. It is best to do something different. Use different materials, technology, and supplies. Satisfy yourself, and create something bigger and greater. You are the best judge.

I do not do what is conscious. It somehow happens, regardless of what the medium or media it happens to be. Perhaps the biggest mistake yields the best results. It is the birth of some visual artistic concept from no idea, or none. With the right kind of skill, the actual art object, is built.

Imperfections and / or mistakes, may lead to perfection, and that which is meant to be. There is no way to measure or judge what is perfect, and what is not. I learned how to judge and measure in Graduate School, so I had to unlearn this. Art may be considered art, as in art object. It can be not-art, or the art content that people would expect, or judge. This is about what people value. I stopped taking pictures, so I can look at things with my eyes. When I had enough knowledge about photography and art, I understood the concept about it, and then, I had no need to practice it any longer.

My finished artwork is there for people to look and see. There is no good artwork, or bad artwork: look and see. People may get something different from an artwork than the artist's intention. Looking into it, and seeing something more, depends upon the individual. Each person is different. This depends upon the experience of life. Therefore, art appears to be different, to each person. The contents of the art may have a profound effect on what a person sees, but this is not predictable. I like to think that the knowledge that is communicated, can inspire, and perhaps enlighten someone. This is my interest in creating photo-artworks.

I just take the time to create things. This is happening even when I am not creating anything. There is no message in the process. It is what it is. Since consciousness is a big part of my creative work, I experience spirituality when I am not working (or when I am working). Any feelings or emotions of this work are for those who experience it. Maybe I create them with none, but somehow, the reactions are more intense. I had some great teachers during my career. The lessons were not linear. They were things that I did not expect. The knowledge came to me at different times, and because of this, it was much more significant. These were things that I needed to know, see, and ponder. One of the most influential teachers in my art education is: Peter Homitzky. I made a video about him in 2010.



How to Express:

Words are the limitation for me. The words themselves, as communicated by normal means, are not so effective. This is especially true about the written word, and less so about the spoken word. Three dimensional communications are the most effective: multi-dimensional vs. linear. Ideas come about when all of the audiovisual elements come together. This may or may not be intentional. Words can become less important than how they are said, or presented. Effectiveness of what is said is less about the words themselves; it is about their transmission, and how they are received.

The words are limitations in themselves. The exchange of words is done in a way that people know and expect. As a result, there is boredom, and lack of interest. Art is the invention that makes what we want to say, more effective. Maybe we do not want to say anything. Words are not what we want to say. They are about whether we want to say something, or nothing at all.

Everything happens in the present moment. It is best not to obsess the past, or future. My art is about being ok now. This is something that I learned from spiritual practice. I am surprised to think that I learned something. It comes to me when I thought that I forgot about it. The knowledge just appears, as if in a state of meditation. Some people say that creative work is like connecting to the divine.

There is no particular meaning in my work. You decide. Creating is automatic for me. All the steps are there: all the way to the finished piece. I put my mind, heart, and soul in the process. It is for the Spirit, Guru, or God within.

We are inundated with text, sounds, and pictures. Most of it is for the selling of products and services. You want to buy everything. Maybe you do not, but somehow you are convinced to buy. Advertisers use all means to sell their products to you. Art can be the same. Most artwork is made to sell. Perhaps the contents have more meaning than some product. Perhaps, the meaning gives it significant value.


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